Setup & Customisation
Set the Class Column on Item Sublist to Mandatory on Company Preferences via Script
User wants to set the Item Sublist columns mandatory to ensure that important information are set on the record (e.g., the Class field).
Dynamically Add Custom Button Using User Event Scripts
A user wants to dynamically add a button in a record using aUser Eventscript.
Use a Group of Approvers in a Workflow Utilizing a Workflow Action Script
User needs toincorporatea certain group ofApprovers,SupervisorsorEmployeesto aWorkflowto handle the approval process ofa record.
Call Client Scripts from Workflow
Below is an example to demonstrate how this is done. This requires basic SuiteScript and Workflow knowledge.
- Create a JavaScript file with the following codes:
Note:The above function will be called by the Workflow on Step 5.4.functionsayHello(s){alert('Hello '+s);/* * return true|false line is required to allow/disallow the workflow action to execute. * Condition will treat the function returned false if this line is omitted. * Thus, Workflow Action (e.g. Set Field Value) will not execute */returntrue;}
- Navigate toCustomization>Scripting>Scripts>New
- Click on the+logo beside theScript FilePopup List
- Select the JavaScript file on the File Popup Window and click onSave
- UnderDeploymentstab, add the record (Applies Tocolumn) script & workflow must be applied to (For this example,Customerrecord is used and click onSave)
- Navigate toCustomization>Workflows>Workflow>New
- Basic Information:
- Name:EnterName
Example:EnterCustomer Workflow - Record Type:SelectCustomer
- Sub Types:SelectCustomer
- Execute as Admin:EnterCheckmark
- Release Status:SelectReleased
- Name:EnterName
- Event Definition:
- On Create:EnterCheckmark
- On View or Update:EnterCheckmark
- ClickSave
- ClickState 1
- Bottom right corner:ClickNew Action
- ClickSet Field Value
- Basic Information:
- Trigger On:SelectBefore User Edit
- Event Types:SelectCreate
- Context:SelectUser Interface
- Triggering Client Fields:SelectMemo
- Condition:
- SelectFormula
- Formula:EntersayHello(nlapiGetFieldValue('companyname'))
- Triggering Client Fields:SelectMemo
- Parameters:
- Field: SelectAccount
- ClickSave
Display SKU for Inventory Items on Sales Order Printout
User needs to display SKU (Display Name/Code) on their Sales Order Advanced PDF/HTML Template but would only need to display the code for Inventory Items only.
Reviewing the Email Approval Log
Approver gatekeeper can use the log to manage, review, and control the implementation of all approver replies received through email approval log rules.
Quick Search Portlet
You can add a Quick Search portlet to be able to search for general records or transaction records right from your dashboard.
SuiteApprovals > Approve Transactions via Email not Working
The user is performing some tests in Sandbox where they try to approve a sample transaction (e.g. Purchase Order) via email.
Use Display in Web Store Field as a Condition Using Workflow
Use the Display In Web Store field as a condition on a Workflow for a Return User Error Action
Display Line Item Rate When Fulfilling Sales Orders
There are scenarios where users want to source the Item Unit Price (Rate) of an Item from their Sales Order form to the Item Fulfillment form. This can be achieved by creating a Transaction Line Field applied to the Item Fulfillment form.
Print Inventory Detail Using Source Code View in Print Packing Slip
Print the Inventory Detail column on the Packing Slip using the Source Code View.
Trigger a User Event Script on a Scheduled Script
A user would like to ensure that a User Event Script is triggered when a Scheduled Script is run.
SOAP Web Services Archives
This page includes documentation for the 2016.2 through 2022.2 endpoints. For each WSDL, the following resources are available:
NetSuite Versioning and WSDL Versioning Overview
The naming convention for NetSuite versions and WSDL versions are the same. For example, for 2023.1, there is an accompanying 2023_1 version of the WSDL, as shown in the following WSDL URLs:
Upgrading WSDL Versions
NetSuite customers typically upgrade their WSDL when a newer version includes functionality that enables them to meet a particular business need. They will also upgrade their WSDL when the one they are currently using is going to be retired by NetSuite (seeSupport for Existing WSDL Versionsfor details). If you do plan to upgrade the WSDL you are using, you should upgrade to the latest available version to prolong the life cycle for your integrated application.
Determine NetSuite ERP Version
How to determine which version of NetSuite ERP a user is utilizing.
Create a Show Message Action on Edit Event with a Workflow
There is a requirement to add a pop up message on a record on edit mode. A Workflow can captures multiple events such as create, edit, and etc.Note:The Show Message action runs on create and edit by default. It does not have a field to specify if it should run on only create or edit.A solution would be to create a new Workflow that only contains the Show Message action.
Create or modify custom transaction body fields
Go toCustomization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Body Fields.
Known Issues when Sharing Files to NetSuite for iOS
When sharing files or images to NetSuite for iOS from your Photos app or Files app, be aware of the following known issues:
Merge Action is Not Displaying as a Button in a Vendor Record
- Login as Administrator
- Edit a Vendor record
- Navigate toCustomize>Customize Form
- ClickActions
- ClickStandard Actions
- Merge:
- Show:EnterCheckmark
- Display As:SelectButton
- ClickSave