Setup & Customisation
SuiteCloud Processors Priority Elevation and Processor Reservation (Advanced Settings)
Priority elevation enables you to automatically increase the priority of each low or standard priority job after a specific time interval. The time interval starts when the job is submitted. You do not need to use these settings in most cases. Because of this, priority elevation is disabled by default. However, you may need to use them if lower priority jobs experience excessive wait times.
Installing and Setting Up SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code
SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is installed from within the VS Code application.
Enable Drag and Drop Feature for Advanced Partner Center Role
Advanced Partner Center role is not able to see the Drag and Drop zone in records even when using the standard form.
Display the File Drag and Drop in Checks
The user needs to display the File Drag and Drop feature in Checks form/page.
Change the Font to Times New Roman Using the Advanced PDF/HTML Template
There is a requirement to use Times New Roman when printing transactions using the Advanced PDF/HTML Template.
Show the Internal ID and External ID of the Record in a Custom Field
The user needs to display the customer's Internal ID and External ID as fields on their customer forms.
Cannot Find the External ID on Chart of Accounts Record
The user is unable to locate the External ID of any Chart of Account.
Change the Default Font Format of Outgoing Case Message
The Message field in the Case record is a Rich Text Format field type. Users can change the appearance of the message in terms of Font and Font Size.
Use External Font on Advanced PDF/HTML Template
User wants use a different Font for their Invoices since the PDF Editor cannot edit PDF files with NotoSans font. User needs to download TTF files for the font they need add to the template. For example is the Arial font. User needs Arial, Arial Bold, Arial Italic, and Arial Italic Bold TTF files.
Update Item Information on Sales Order Using Workflow
- Navigate toCustomization>Workflow>Workflows>New
- Basic Information:
- Name:EnterName
Example: Auto Update Items - Record Type:SelectTransactions
- Sub Types:SelectSales Order
- Execute as Admin:EnterCheckmark
- Release Status:SelectReleased
- Name:EnterName
- Initiation:SelectEvent Based
- Event Definition:
- On Create:EnterCheckmark
- On View or Update:EnterCheckmark
- Trigger Type:Select-All-
- ClickSave
- ClickNew State
- ClickState 1
- Lower Right Corner:ClickNew Action
- ClickAdd Button
- Parameters:
- Label:EnterLabel
Example: Update Item - Save Record First:EnterCheckmark
- Label:EnterLabel
- ClickSave
- Double-clickState 1
- ClickTransitions
- ClickNew Transition
- Basic Information:
- To:SelectState 2
- Condition:
- Execute on Button:SelectUpdate Item
- ClickSave
- Double-clickState 2
- ClickNew Sublist Action
- Parameters:
- Sublist:SelectItems
- ClickSave
- ClickSublist Action Group
- ClickNew Action
- ClickSet Field Value
- Parameters:
- Field:SelectItem (Line)
- Value:SelectFrom Field
- Record (Join):SelectCurrent Record
- Field: SelectItem (Line)
- ClickSave
Restrict Custom Role to Specific Custom Record Page Only
Userwants to restrict aRolefrom accessing other pages apart from a specificCustom Recordpage.
Show Net Amount on Advanced PDF Template if Mark Up is Applied
Show the Net Amount in the Advanced PDF/HTML Template if Mark Up is applied.
Display Total Discount Field Using Advanced PDF if Amount Is Greater Than Zero
On the Advanced PDF/HTML templates of transaction records, the total discount amount is displayed using the variablerecord.discounttotal, but there are instances where the transactions do not have any discounts.
Overriding Company Preferences
Some company preferences can be overridden by subsidiary-level preferences (OneWorld only), role-level preferences, and user preferences set by individual employees. You can disallow individual overrides of company preferences on the Overriding Preferences subtab ofSetup > Company > General Preferences.
Searching Bulk Processing Jobs
If you have the Administrator role, you can view the status and history of all the bulk processing jobs in your account.
Advanced PDF/HTML Template > Print Out Displaying Previous Customer Name
The user has updated the name of a customer who has invoices in the account. This change automatically updated the name from the NetSuite Invoice Record but when they try to print the PDF, both Bill To and Ship To are still showing the old customer's name.
Set Default Account on Cash Refunds using Workflow
User would like tocreate a workflow that will automatically set user's preferred account when creatingCash Refunds.
Round Off Custom Field to Nearest Hundredth
A user created a custom field that calculates a value to display the quotient between Quantity (standard line item field) and an Order Quantity (custom line field). However, it is rounding to infinity and they would like it to round to 2 decimal places.
Script To Update Multi-Select Field on Save
The article applies to a very specific scenario, but it also demonstrates how to useSuiteScriptto set values on Multi-Select Fields in NetSuite.
Retrieve Values for Multi-Select Field Being Return by nlapiLookupField
Using nlapiLoadRecord then nlobjRecord.getFieldTexts function to retrieve multi-select field selected values will return an array. However this is not the case when you try to retrieve values using nlapiLookupField as it will return String values.