Procure to Pay
Bill Credit GL Impact on Cost of Sales Adjustment
When you create aBill Credit with Item/s (Standalone or from Bill/ Vendor Return Authorization), you will notice that the GL Impact are as follows:
Associate Vendor Credit to a Refund in Foreign Currency
If the vendor in a foreign currencysent a refund by cash or check in a currency other than the vendor's currency, user needs to record the deposit in the vendor's currency via a journal entry.
Vendor and Customer Return Authorization Defaults to Closed Status after Creation
AVendorandCustomer Return Authorizationdefaults toClosedstatus immediately after creation when underExpenses & Itemstab >Itemssubtab >Quantityof the Item is0, or if there are multiple items, all Items' quantity is0.
Recreating a Payment File
You can recreate a payment file and its field values, only if the payment file has aFile Processed?status ofProcessed.
Reprocessing Payments
You can reprocess PFA (Payment File Administration) records with Cancelled or Processed with Errors status.
Electronic Bank Payments > Rollback
In payment rollback, the payment file is deleted and all its associated payments are deleted. Credits are not included in a payment rollback. Any credit transactions are still applied to a bill or invoice.
Electronic Bank Payments > Reversing Payments
You can reverse payments if the bank has not yet processed the associated payment file. When you reverse a payment, a new payment file is created and the payments are reprocessed. However, any credit transactions are still applied to the bill or invoice. Full payment reversal voids all payments and the payment file is deleted. On the other hand, partial reversal voids only selected payments and a new payment file is created with the remaining payments.
EFT Payment Notification Displaying Huge Company Logo within the Email Body
The company logo is not rendering correctly specifically when the EFT Payment Notification is being sent as body of the email. The company logo thoughis being displayed at acceptable size if the EFT Payment Notification is being sent as an attachment.
Resolve Incorrect Prepayment Amount on Cancelled Prepayment Bill
Note:SuiteSolutions - Vendor Prepayment is a deprecated bundle and is no longer available. Below article is only applicable to accounts with this SuiteSolution bundle installed.
Editing or Deleting Vendor Prepayment Transactions
You may need to update or delete a vendor prepayment transaction.
Editing a Vendor Bill After the Vendor Prepayment Application
When you apply a vendor prepayment, the Bills subtab on the Vendor Prepayment Application page shows the bill amount at the time of application. However, a user or process can update the bill amount after the application, changing the amount that is effectively applied.
How to Define a Term Where the Payment is Due at the End of the Following Months
User would like to create exact End of Month Payment Terms for 30, 60 or 90 days. This ability is currently logged underEnhancement 90395.
Vendor Bill is not appearing on EFT - Bill Payment Page
InPayments > Payment Processing > Bill Payment Processing, an approved Vendor Bill is not showing on EFT - Bill Payment page.
Vendor Prepayment Application
After you enter a prepayment for a vendor, you must apply the prepayment against your vendor bills. Applying a vendor prepayment posts in the general ledger. The Prepayment account is credited, offsetting the Accounts Payable account. The application decreases the total amount you must pay to your vendor. If the prepayment application does not cover the total amount of the bill, you still need to complete the bill payment.
Payment Holds for Vendor Bills FAQs
Void Bill after Bill Payment/Check is Voided
Preference can be checked by Navigating toSetup>Accounting>Accounting Preferences>GeneralTab >Void Transactions Using Reversing Journals.
Void a Vendor Bill that was Posted on a Closed Period
Enter Vendor Credits > Selected Items Only
You want to create a supplier credit that has an associated invoice in the system. However, you were unable to find the vendor record list under the Company field.
Applying Vendor Prepayments Manually
In addition to applying vendor prepayments to your bills automatically using Auto-Apply, you can apply the prepayments manually. Applying vendor prepayments manually is required when the Auto-Apply option is not enabled or when the conditions for Auto-Apply are not met.