Articles tagged #VENDOR
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Saved Search to Compare the Base Price and Purchase Price of Items
User would like to compare the Base Price of an Item against the Cost of the Preferred Vendor set in the Item record.
Bulk Approving Vendor Bills With Standard Vendor Bill Approval
After you enter vendor bills, any bill with a status of Pending Approval or Rejected must be set to Canceled or Approved. To save time, you can run a bulk process to approve many vendor bills at one time.
Pending Approval Vendor Bills Missing in the Approve Bills Page
User cannot find the Pending Approval Vendor Bill at the Approve Bills page.
Approving Vendor Bills With Standard Vendor Bill Approval
When you use standard approvals for vendor bills, you must approve or cancel vendor bills you enter. Bill approvals can be handled on individual transactions or in bulk.
Vendor Bill Related Records Show Payments Have No Document Number Detail on Number Column
Why is the amount of Balance and Balance (Foreign Currency) column on Vendor Saved Search different from the amount in the Balance fields on the Vendor Record
If theSubsidiaryselected under theHome>Set Preferences>Restrict View tab>Subsidiaryfieldis the same as thePrimary Subsidiaryselected on theVendor record, the amount showing up in theBalance (Base)field on theVendor Recordis the same as theBalancecolumnon theVendor Saved Search,the amount showing up in theBalancefieldon theVendor Recordis the same as theBalance(Foreign Currency)columnon theVendor Saved Search.
Remove or Delete Bank Details on Electronic Bank Payments
There are two ways to disassociate a bank detail from the vendor record. You can either remove their link, or delete the bank detail record itself.
Create Saved Search Showing the Number of Transactions Created per Vendor
Create a Transaction Saved Search that shows the number of Bills, Bill Payments and Purchase Order per Vendor.
Saved Search to Expose all Currencies Associated with a Vendor
When users enableMulti-CurrencyforVendor, theCurrencyfield on Saved Search will only point toPrimary Currencyselected on theVendor record.
Save Vendor Bill with Error: Invalid Account reference key xxx for entity xxx
There are two scenarios that could trigger the error:
Removing Credits From Deleted Vendor Payments
It is important to understand that deleting a vendor bill payment or a customer payment does not automatically unapply credits that you have applied. If you need to delete a payment that includes bills or invoices with credits applied, you must open each credit and unapply it separately.
Show Due Date Field on Vendor Bill Saved Search
The steps below is to create a Custom Date Field that will capture the value of the StandardDue DateField which can then be added on theTransaction(Vendor Bill)Saved Search.
Show Purchase Orders and Vendor Bills Under Related Records of Project/Job Record When Projects on Sales Transactions Are Not Consolidated
Purchase transactions (Purchase Orders and Vendor Bills) are not directly associated with Project entities because they are part of the Accounts Payable module and not the Advanced Project Management module of NetSuite. This is reproducible when the Accounting Preference "Consolidate Projects on Sales Transactions" is disabled.
Saved search to show Vendor Name only to Open Purchase Orders report
- Navigate toLists>Search>Saved Searches>New
- SelectTransaction
- Enter aSearch Title
- Go toCriteriatab >Standardsubtab,
Filters:- TypeisPurchase Order
- MainLine isTrue
- StatusisnoneofPurchase Order:Closed,Purchase Order:Fully Billed,Purchase Order:Rejected by Supervisor
- Go toResultstab >Columnssubtab
- ClickRemove Allthe
- Add the followingFields:
- Date
- Document Number
- Vendor : Company Name
- Vendor : Name
- Status
- Amount
- ClickSave&Run
Vendor and Customer Return Authorization Defaults to Closed Status after Creation
AVendorandCustomer Return Authorizationdefaults toClosedstatus immediately after creation when underExpenses & Itemstab >Itemssubtab >Quantityof the Item is0, or if there are multiple items, all Items' quantity is0.
Error: The subsidiary selected for To Subsidiary on the journal entry and Representing Subsidiary of Intercompany Vendor/Customer must match if you want to run Intercompany Elimination for this line
Create Advanced Intercompany Journal Entry > error: "The subsidiary selected for To Subsidiary on the journal entry and Representing Subsidiary of Intercompany Vendor/Customer must match if you want to run Intercompany Elimination for this line."
Setting Up Tax Agencies as Vendors
In most countries, businesses are required to collect tax from sales. Then, the collected tax must be paid to the tax authority on behalf of the customers. Default tax agencies are automatically set up by the system when you create a subsidiary or nexus, but you must edit the tax agency vendor record to provide details such as address information.