Articles tagged #BILL
Articles tagged
Missing Price Field in Generic Resource Page
- Enable the Per-Employee Billing Rates Feature by navigating toSetup>Company>Enable Features
- ClickEmployeestab
- Time & Expenses:
- check the Per-Employee Billing Rates box
- ClickSave
Bulk Approving Vendor Bills With Standard Vendor Bill Approval
After you enter vendor bills, any bill with a status of Pending Approval or Rejected must be set to Canceled or Approved. To save time, you can run a bulk process to approve many vendor bills at one time.
Pending Approval Vendor Bills Missing in the Approve Bills Page
User cannot find the Pending Approval Vendor Bill at the Approve Bills page.
Approving Vendor Bills With Standard Vendor Bill Approval
When you use standard approvals for vendor bills, you must approve or cancel vendor bills you enter. Bill approvals can be handled on individual transactions or in bulk.
Vendor Bill Related Records Show Payments Have No Document Number Detail on Number Column
Saved Search to pull up Bill Credits with Unapplied Amount
User wants to create a saved search that shows Bill Credits that have an unapplied amount.
Edit Button Missing at the Bill Payment Batch of the Electronic Payments
User cannot Recreate nor Reprocess the Payment Batch as Edit button is missing at the Bill Payment Batch page.
Next Bill/Bill Remaining Button Not Showing on Sales Order
2. ClickEdit
3. Click onRefresh Items from Project
4. ClickSave
After the record loads, the Next Bill button should now appear on the Sales Order
Re-Bill Items from Purchase Order that were Previously Cancelled
2. ClickItemstab
3. Remove the lines that have a cancelled Bill record
4.Re-input the items and other details
5. ClickRelated Recordstab
6.Item Receipt: ClickEditon the related Item Receipt
7. ClickAction
8. ClickDelete
Note:Retain the Item Receipt record for the correctly Billed item
9.Go back to the Purchase Order record and clickSave
10. ClickBill
Create a Saved Search to show Bill Payment with the corresponding Bill and PO
If a user wants to track all Bill Payments created with the corresponding column for the Bill and Amount where this was applied, and down to the corresponding Purchase Orders, then the user can create this Saved Search:
Create Saved Search Showing the Number of Transactions Created per Vendor
Create a Transaction Saved Search that shows the number of Bills, Bill Payments and Purchase Order per Vendor.
Delete Bill Payment Batch With No Associated Transactions - No Records to Show
There is an existingBill Payment Batchfound inPayments > Payment Processing > Payment Batch List>Opensubtab. Upon viewing theBill Payment Batch, there are no transactions associated. TheBill Payment Batchcannot be submitted since there are no line items.
Add Amount Due (Foreign Currency) into Open Bills Report
In this article you can find alternate solution forEnhancement 121606. Currently, the Amount Due (Foreign Currency) for A/P Reports including the Open Bills Report is not available.
Multi-Currency Transaction > Bill Payment > Save: An unexpected error has occurred. Please click here to notify support and provide your contact information
The error is due to absence of setup in your Variance Account Mapping. This can be accessed inSetup>Accounting>Foreign Currency Variance Posting Rules.
Show Due Date Field on Vendor Bill Saved Search
The steps below is to create a Custom Date Field that will capture the value of the StandardDue DateField which can then be added on theTransaction(Vendor Bill)Saved Search.
Show Purchase Orders and Vendor Bills Under Related Records of Project/Job Record When Projects on Sales Transactions Are Not Consolidated
Purchase transactions (Purchase Orders and Vendor Bills) are not directly associated with Project entities because they are part of the Accounts Payable module and not the Advanced Project Management module of NetSuite. This is reproducible when the Accounting Preference "Consolidate Projects on Sales Transactions" is disabled.
Sales Order Saved Search to Display Related Invoice, Item Fulfillments, Purchase Orders, and Bills
User requires a Sales Order Saved Search to show related Invoices, Item Fulfillments, Purchase Orders and Bills on each column.